what is rogaining

What is Rogaining?

What's it all about?

Next ACT Event

19 Oct 2024
11:00AM -
Spring, Creek, Trail 6/12hr rogaine
Yanununbeyan NP

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26 Oct 2024
3-6hr Surprise Rogaine (NSW)
24 Nov 2024
6hr Socialgaine (NSW)

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6 hour


Course Description

woden viewThe event centre is in Woden Valley on Sunday 18th August. Explore some iconic Canberra nature reserves and find yourself a great coffee. What a perfect match!
If you can't compete but would love to enjoy the course, we still need some on the day volunteers and control collectors. Contact Fergus through the ACTRA website if you can help out. The specially prepared map is premarked 1:25,000 with 10m contour intervals.





Strava Fly-by


 Final Instructions


Thank you everyone for your patience and support of the event in difficult times! 


Bring to the event a printed and completed indemnity form located here. Check the Team List to ensure that all details for your team including category are correct.

  • Ensure that all team members sign a separate indemnity form. Parents or guardians must sign for people under 18. Also provide registration number(s) of your car(s) at the Hash House.
  • Medical advice: All competitors should consider advising their partner of any pre-existing medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, susceptibility to anaphylaxis) that may require first-aid action on course. This should include a description of the symptoms, the required first-aid action, and the location in their bag of any medication (such as sugar, ventolin, epi-pen, anti-histamines).
  • Present your completed indemnity form at the registration desk.


The HASH house is located at Garran Scout Hall. This is the white building on Kitchener St. Parking is limited and the hall is adject to a playing field. We request that you park in suburban streets nearby.


The event will commence by way of a mass start at 09:30 sharp, with a final briefing at 09:20. Registration will open at 08:00. To register, you will need to bring:

  • first aid kit, so that it can be checked; see below for what it must contain
  • one completed indemnity form per team member.

Electronic scoring: As this event is also using the Navlight system of scoring, each team member will be issued with a wristband and tag upon registration.

You will also be given premarked maps, control descriptions, course setter's notes and a small copy of the map to be used as a flight plan. We recommend that you arrive at or soon after 08:00 to allow enough time for final preparations and route planning. Each team must mark their intended route on the flight plan and hand it in before starting.

There will be a novice briefing at 09:10. Final briefing 09:20.


There will be one A3 map, 1:25,000 with 10 m contour interval. It contains urban areas and bordering nature reserves. Out of bounds and safe crossing points of major roads are marked.


No water drops.


  • completed indemnity form
  • map will be printed on Teslin waterproof paper with control descriptions on reverse side. Contact or map case optional.
  • Coloured pens, pencils, scissors, highlighter pen, board for map preparation
  • plate, bowl, cup, cutlery (so you have something to eat the hash house food with - we don't provide disposable items!)
  • a seat each to use at the Hash House


Mandatory Equipment

  • Whistle (per person)
  • Basic first aid kit (that includes 2 compression bandages and 1 wound dressing) (per team)

Other items we recommended that you carry

  • food for the event
  • water for 4 hours. There will be water at selected locations on the course which will be marked on the map, but you should carry at least 2-3 litres, more if it is particularly hot.
  • compass
  • watch
  • Mobile phone for emergencies.
  • Space blanket (per person)
  • Sunscreen, sun-hat and/or beanie.
  • raincoat, warm jacket


 Excellent. HH phone numbers: 0400 715 232 (Fergus), 0410 917 225 (Jonathan).


  • No pets; no alcohol; no firearms: no fires
  • No altimeters, pedometers or GPS-capable devices such as watches and smartphones.
  • Smartphones may be carried for emergency use only - they cannot be used for time-keeping or photography.


  • The only navigational aids permitted are the maps we provide together with your compasses.
  • Teams consist of 2 to 5 competitors and must remain within earshot of each other at all times. All members must simultaneously get to within 5m of each control point.
  • All team members must punch their Navlight tags at each control to score points.
  • If a Navlight punch has failed, record the three letter code visible inside the end of the punch.
  • Competitors must not enter out-of-bounds areas; gates must be left as found; stock must not be disturbed.
  • The organisers may disqualify a team if it acts against these rules or against the spirit of the event.
  • A team can retire a member at the hash house. This will finish that team's event. A new team can form but it must start with zero score.
  • Late Penalty: 10 points per minute (or part) late. Disqualification if more than 30 minutes late.
  • If teams score equal points then the first team home will have a higher rank.


  • Food and drinks will be available from 15:00. Bring your own eating utensils
  • Certificates and Mugs for winners


The people bringing you this event


Coordinator Setters/Vetters Admin General Help Catering Control Collection
Fergus Macleod Jonathan Fearn
Ciaran Lane
Alex Tyson
Jonathan Fearn (first aid officer)
David Baldwin
Ciaran Lane
Annie Gao
Carol Harding
Mali Walker
Alex Tyson
Zac Waine
Hartley Lifecare Fergus Macleod