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Gudgenby Gain: ACT Paddy Pallin 6 hour, 9am
Sunday 13 April 2025

This year’s Paddy Pallin 6 hour rogaine will be held about a 50 minute drive south of Canberra around the headwaters of the Gudgenby River; near the Yankee Hat walking track. The event will start at 9am and finish at 3pm.

The event covers open grassy plains and native forest with very little scrub.  There are a few hilly sections, nice creeks, tracks and the altitude ranges from about 900m to 1,300m.  As usual, the ACTRA Annual General Meeting.will be held at the end of the event as you enjoy the catering.  

Volunteers for the event are very welcome. Anything from help with hanging controls, admin on the day or catering would be great.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Jean Douglass
 Coordinator  Jean Douglass
 Setters and Vetters  Ron Simpson, Jean Douglass
 Map Maker  Ron Simpson
 First Aid  Lorraine Tomlins
 Control Collection  Needed
 General Help  Needed
 Catering  ACTRA