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2001 ACT Rogaining Championships and Concurrent 8 hour

Timberlight - near Oallen Ford

Course Setter: David Baldwin
Other setting/vetting help: Julie Quinn, David Singleton, Adrian Sheppard
Admin: Pre-event - Judy Jenkinson
       On the Day - David Singleton, Alan Daley, Megan Hewett
Helpers: Jack Palmer, Pam Christensen, Richard Stone, Geoff Mercer, Adrian Sheppard
Catering: Aranda Scouts
HH Site: Thanks to the Knights for an excellent HH site and all their help
         before and during the event (keys, hole digging, printer cables,...)
Weather: Rain at the start then fine. A glorious night.
These results are still provisional and subject to change after we have 
checked the control cards.  

   24 hour event results

Overall   Category/Age

Place  MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS  J  F  Score Time In  Team Names

    1            1                        2520    2337    15 Sue Brown, John Brown
    2   1  1                              2430    2329     8 Glenn Bridgart, David Jones
    3                     1               2260    2332     4 Alex Tyson, Karina Tyson
    4            2                        2220    2326    12 Dick Walker, Lisa Phillips
    5            3                        2170    2330    35 David Stuckey, Peter Good, Joanne Carroll, Novak Thompson
    6   2  2                              1930    2348    34 Michael Sullivan, Brian Evans
    7            4                        1870    2255    23 Emma Murray, Adrian Smith
    8                     2               1690    2330     2 Judy Jenkinson, Rochelle O'Hagan
    9   3                                 1670    1670    43 Mike Devey, Roland Thomas
   10   4                                 1570    2157    10 Norm Schram, Bill Keating, Peter Liston
   11   5  3  1                           1540    2330    52 Noel Luff, Ian Kentwell
   12            5  1                     1500    2337    21 Sue Clarke, Walter Keleman
   13   6                                 1490    1501     5 Gregor Wilson, Scott Oldfield
   14   7                                 1450    2345    20 Nick Rose, Nigel Minchinton, Adam Hamilton
   15            6                        1450    2358    45 Scott Morrison, Jonna Terkildsen
   16            7                        1440    2346    38 Carolyn Roberts, Cuan Petheram
   17   8  4                              1420    2349    62 Alan Sargeant, Bob Hawkins
   18   9                                 1410    2358    77 John Patterson, Bruce MacAulay
   19                     3  1            1340    2323    65 Jennifer Hawkins, Valerie Barker
   20            8                        1340    2358    32 Stephen Reynolds, Janelle White
   21  10  5                              1290    2352    48 David Coysh, Greg Rowe
   22            9  2                     1270    1227    27 Phil Creaser, Anna Booth
   23           10  3                     1270    2338    13 Greg Dunstone, Jennifer Borrel
   24  11                                 1230    2348    49 Aaron Tait, Luke Baker, Ryan Kelly
   25           11                        1220    2344    58 Rebecca Thomson, Kevin Moore
   26           12  4                     1190    2430     7 Steve Garlick, Rosemary Austen
   27           13  5                     1130    2344    42 Mike Hotchkis, Debbie Hotchkis
   28  12  6                              1070    2321    55 Ted Booth, Bob Bartle
   29           14                        1000    1446    70 Kylie Jonasson, Mark Heap
   30           15  6  1                   950    2346    30 John Sutton, Ann Sutton
   31           16                         910    2351    16 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone, Richard Stone
   32  13  7                               910    2359    28 David Clark, Peter Leppert
   33                     4  2  1          870    2322     9 Kathy Saw, Lyndall Hatch
   34  14  8  2                            830    2349    54 Philip Allen, John Guilly
   35  15                                  790    2348    66 Michael Aylott, Daniel Elkazar
   36           17  7                      770    1044    18 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis, Alan Mansfield
   37           18                         760    2329    78 Thais Turner, Danny O'Connell
   38                     5                740    2403    44 Annabel Battersby, Shayna Glickman
   39           19                         720    2330    67 Judy Le Breton, Sarah Ireland, Sean Ireland
   40           20                         590    1245     3 Chris Hatherly, Natalie Chan
   41  16                                  520    2330     6 Hal Benson, Dan McGrath, Phil Reeks
   42           21  8                      390    2402    81 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis
   43           22                         360    2332    26 Linda Meisel, Murray Shaefer
   44  17                                  330    2419    22 Chris Butler, Luke Bulkeley, Ross Dennis
   45                     6                320    2337    39 Debbie Buck, Anne Buck, Robyn Van Dyk

   8 hour event results

Overall   Category/Age

Place  MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS  J  F  Score Time In  Team Names

    1   1                                 1360     746    24 Andrew Pope, Andy Mein, Geoff Williams, Nick Hudson
    2            1  1                     1100     747    46 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson
    3   2  1                              1030     756    69 Stephen Smith, Denis Vanzella
    4   3                                  940     756    71 Colin Hayhoe, Danius Mauragis, Klaus Pinkas
    5   4                                  920     758    53 Paul Mason, Gary Rolfe
    6            2                         710     752    50 Leeza Cottingham, Daniel Shiels, Kumalie Elford, Matthew Walker, Daniel Brownsdon
    7   5                                  700     755    79 Bill Allen, Tim Carlton, Paul Atyeo
    8            3                         660     744    60 John Harvey, Julia Dixon
    9            4  2                      630     630     1 Lynn Pulford, Tim Pulford
   10   6                                  610     610    57 Dylan Jayatilaka, Murray Dow
   11            5  3                      610     756    36 Colleen Mock, Colin Mock, Jeffrey Darwin
   12            6  4                      580     713    61 Marty Power, Jenny Power
   13            7                         560     809    76 Rebecca Ford, Simon Malley
   14            8  5  1                   550     730    11 Richard Smyth, Maggie Hart
   15   7                                  540     803    31 Karl Adamson, Daniel Wilkins
   16   8  2                               530     740    51 Greg Baker, Stephen Baker
   17            9                         530     817    59 Sally Farrar, Luke Farrar, Wiley Lewis
   18           10  6                      520     558    64 Cherie Power, Graeme Power
   19           11  7                      510     724    29 John Harding, Carol Harding
   20   9                             1    490     817    33 Michael Hutchinson, Henry Hutchinson, David Hutchinson
   21  10  3                               470     720    40 Stewart Murray, Tony Edwards, Colin Ward
   22                     1                450     737    68 Mary Vanzella, Merilyn Souter, Amelia Souter
   23                     2  1             420     619    41 Jenny Sullivan, Kim Trethewy
   24           12                         410     531    72 Martin Webb, Sally Blewitt, Andrew Beddoe, Charles Broughton, Rebecca Fitzgibbon
   25  11                                  370     720    14 David Fallon, Anthony Fallon
   26  12                                  350     747    47 Nicolas Monteban, Greg James
   27           13                         350     819    74 Peter Wenzl, Carolina Roa-Rodriguez, Paul Howles
   28           14                         340     759    75 Jason Irving, Jane Irving, Ben Power, Greg Prutej, Damien Spender
   29           15                         290     756    63 Anne Baynes, Peter Crosthwaite, Debbie Maher
   30                     3                150     818    56 Michelle Karas, Karen Edwards
   31                     4                  0     508    37 Helen Osmond, Catherine Moyle, Zoe Cozens
   32           18                           0     823    73 Paul O'Neill, Michelle Bl

Results for the 24hr event by each category =========================================== Overall Men Open 2 1. 2430 23:29 Glenn Bridgart, David Jones 6 2. 1930 23:48 Michael Sullivan, Brian Evans 9 3. 1670 16:70 Mike Devey, Roland Thomas 10 4. 1570 21:57 Norm Schram, Bill Keating, Peter Liston 11 5. 1540 23:30 Noel Luff, Ian Kentwell 13 6. 1490 15:01 Gregor Wilson, Scott Oldfield 14 7. 1450 23:45 Nick Rose, Nigel Minchinton, Adam Hamilton 17 8. 1420 23:49 Alan Sargeant, Bob Hawkins 18 9. 1410 23:58 John Patterson, Bruce MacAulay 21 10. 1290 23:52 David Coysh, Greg Rowe 24 11. 1230 23:48 Aaron Tait, Luke Baker, Ryan Kelly 28 12. 1070 23:21 Ted Booth, Bob Bartle 32 13. 910 23:59 David Clark, Peter Leppert 34 14. 830 23:49 Philip Allen, John Guilly 35 15. 790 23:48 Michael Aylott, Daniel Elkazar 41 16. 520 23:30 Hal Benson, Dan McGrath, Phil Reeks 44 17. 330 24:19 Chris Butler, Luke Bulkeley, Ross Dennis Overall Men Veteran 2 1. 2430 23:29 Glenn Bridgart, David Jones 6 2. 1930 23:48 Michael Sullivan, Brian Evans 11 3. 1540 23:30 Noel Luff, Ian Kentwell 17 4. 1420 23:49 Alan Sargeant, Bob Hawkins 21 5. 1290 23:52 David Coysh, Greg Rowe 28 6. 1070 23:21 Ted Booth, Bob Bartle 32 7. 910 23:59 David Clark, Peter Leppert 34 8. 830 23:49 Philip Allen, John Guilly Overall Men Superveteran 11 1. 1540 23:30 Noel Luff, Ian Kentwell 34 2. 830 23:49 Philip Allen, John Guilly Overall Xmixed Open 1 1. 2520 23:37 Sue Brown, John Brown 4 2. 2220 23:26 Dick Walker, Lisa Phillips 5 3. 2170 23:30 David Stuckey, Peter Good, Joanne Carroll, Novak Thompson 7 4. 1870 22:55 Emma Murray, Adrian Smith 12 5. 1500 23:37 Sue Clarke, Walter Keleman 15 6. 1450 23:58 Scott Morrison, Jonna Terkildsen 16 7. 1440 23:46 Carolyn Roberts, Cuan Petheram 20 8. 1340 23:58 Stephen Reynolds, Janelle White 22 9. 1270 12:27 Phil Creaser, Anna Booth 23 10. 1270 23:38 Greg Dunstone, Jennifer Borrel 25 11. 1220 23:44 Rebecca Thomson, Kevin Moore 26 12. 1190 24:30 Steve Garlick, Rosemary Austen 27 13. 1130 23:44 Mike Hotchkis, Debbie Hotchkis 29 14. 1000 14:46 Kylie Jonasson, Mark Heap 30 15. 950 23:46 John Sutton, Ann Sutton 31 16. 910 23:51 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone, Richard Stone 36 17. 770 10:44 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis, Alan Mansfield 37 18. 760 23:29 Thais Turner, Danny O'Connell 39 19. 720 23:30 Judy Le Breton, Sarah Ireland, Sean Ireland 40 20. 590 12:45 Chris Hatherly, Natalie Chan 42 21. 390 24:02 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis 43 22. 360 23:32 Linda Meisel, Murray Shaefer Overall Xmixed Veteran 12 1. 1500 23:37 Sue Clarke, Walter Keleman 22 2. 1270 12:27 Phil Creaser, Anna Booth 23 3. 1270 23:38 Greg Dunstone, Jennifer Borrel 26 4. 1190 24:30 Steve Garlick, Rosemary Austen 27 5. 1130 23:44 Mike Hotchkis, Debbie Hotchkis 30 6. 950 23:46 John Sutton, Ann Sutton 36 7. 770 10:44 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis, Alan Mansfield 42 8. 390 24:02 Richard Sage, Nihal Danis Overall Xmixed Superveteran 30 1. 950 23:46 John Sutton, Ann Sutton Overall Women Open 3 1. 2260 23:32 Alex Tyson, Karina Tyson 8 2. 1690 23:30 Judy Jenkinson, Rochelle O'Hagan 19 3. 1340 23:23 Jennifer Hawkins, Valerie Barker 33 4. 870 23:22 Kathy Saw, Lyndall Hatch 38 5. 740 24:03 Annabel Battersby, Shayna Glickman 45 6. 320 23:37 Debbie Buck, Anne Buck, Robyn Van Dyk Overall Women Veteran 19 1. 1340 23:23 Jennifer Hawkins, Valerie Barker 33 2. 870 23:22 Kathy Saw, Lyndall Hatch Overall Women Superveteran 33 1. 870 23:22 Kathy Saw, Lyndall Hatch ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results for the 8hr event by each category ========================================== Overall Men Open 1 1. 1360 7:46 Andrew Pope, Andy Mein, Geoff Williams, Nick Hudson 3 2. 1030 7:56 Stephen Smith, Denis Vanzella 4 3. 940 7:56 Colin Hayhoe, Danius Mauragis, Klaus Pinkas 5 4. 920 7:58 Paul Mason, Gary Rolfe 7 5. 700 7:55 Bill Allen, Tim Carlton, Paul Atyeo 10 6. 610 6:10 Dylan Jayatilaka, Murray Dow 15 7. 540 8:03 Karl Adamson, Daniel Wilkins 16 8. 530 7:40 Greg Baker, Stephen Baker 20 9. 490 8:17 Michael Hutchinson, Henry Hutchinson, David Hutchinson 21 10. 470 7:20 Stewart Murray, Tony Edwards, Colin Ward 25 11. 370 7:20 David Fallon, Anthony Fallon 26 12. 350 7:47 Nicolas Monteban, Greg James Overall Men Veteran 3 1. 1030 7:56 Stephen Smith, Denis Vanzella 16 2. 530 7:40 Greg Baker, Stephen Baker 21 3. 470 7:20 Stewart Murray, Tony Edwards, Colin Ward Overall Xmixed Open 2 1. 1100 7:47 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 6 2. 710 7:52 Leeza Cottingham, Daniel Shiels, Kumalie Elford, Matthew Walker, Daniel Brownsdon 8 3. 660 7:44 John Harvey, Julia Dixon 9 4. 630 6:30 Lynn Pulford, Tim Pulford 11 5. 610 7:56 Colleen Mock, Colin Mock, Jeffrey Darwin 12 6. 580 7:13 Marty Power, Jenny Power 13 7. 560 8:09 Rebecca Ford, Simon Malley 14 8. 550 7:30 Richard Smyth, Maggie Hart 17 9. 530 8:17 Sally Farrar, Luke Farrar, Wiley Lewis 18 10. 520 5:58 Cherie Power, Graeme Power 19 11. 510 7:24 John Harding, Carol Harding 24 12. 410 5:31 Martin Webb, Sally Blewitt, Andrew Beddoe, Charles Broughton, Rebecca Fitzgibbon 27 13. 350 8:19 Peter Wenzl, Carolina Roa-Rodriguez, Paul Howles 28 14. 340 7:59 Jason Irving, Jane Irving, Ben Power, Greg Prutej, Damien Spender 29 15. 290 7:56 Anne Baynes, Peter Crosthwaite, Debbie Maher 31 16. 0 : 31 16. 0 : 34 18. 0 8:23 Paul O'Neill, Michelle Blyth, Penny Dakin, Ronnie Chow, Terence Betlehem Overall Xmixed Veteran 2 1. 1100 7:47 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 9 2. 630 6:30 Lynn Pulford, Tim Pulford 11 3. 610 7:56 Colleen Mock, Colin Mock, Jeffrey Darwin 12 4. 580 7:13 Marty Power, Jenny Power 14 5. 550 7:30 Richard Smyth, Maggie Hart 18 6. 520 5:58 Cherie Power, Graeme Power 19 7. 510 7:24 John Harding, Carol Harding 31 8. 0 : Overall Xmixed Superveteran 14 1. 550 7:30 Richard Smyth, Maggie Hart Overall Women Open 22 1. 450 7:37 Mary Vanzella, Merilyn Souter, Amelia Souter 23 2. 420 6:19 Jenny Sullivan, Kim Trethewy 30 3. 150 8:18 Michelle Karas, Karen Edwards 33 4. 0 5:08 Helen Osmond, Catherine Moyle, Zoe Cozens Overall Women Veteran 23 1. 420 6:19 Jenny Sullivan, Kim Trethewy Overall Family 20 1. 490 8:17 Michael Hutchinson, Henry Hutchinson, David Hutchinson
Routes and comments on the winners of the ACT Rogaining Championships.
Mixed Open and Overall winners 2520 23:37 Sue Brown, John Brown 41 (1) 66 75 73 65 64 33 74 101 85 45 77 (W1) 94 (dark) 51 86 48 68 34 92 57 84 55 93 46 83 31 HH (2) 40 (3) 91 72 44 71 63 (dawn) 53 80 60 62 52 87 70 42 50 HH (1) We spent about 5 minutes looking for control 41 (which was hung in the wrong place) before deciding it wasn't worth the effort (2) We arrived at the HH at 12:15am, ate, left at 1:20am (3) we lost the track about 600m from the HH and it took us about an hour to get to control 40 through the scrub! (4) finished at about 11:40 (I think) Mens Open and Veteran 2430 23:29 Glenn Bridgart, David Jones 32 60 53(1) 80 63(2) 100(3) 71 44(4) 43 102 54 82 73(5) (dark) 65 64 33 93 55 74 101(6) 85 77 W1 94(7) 48 68 W1(8) 47 84(9) 57(10) (dawn) 92 67 56 83 31 HH(11) 50 42(12) 70 87 52(13) 30 HH(14). (1) Mistake - pre=planning was to do 60 - 80 - 53 (2) Good route along ridge just to W of river (3) Drank from Shoalhaven River (and also from Yellow Spring Ck near #73). All Water drops apart from W1 quite close to HH, and not easily useful to us in NE of map. (4) Great views along long spur to W of river (5) Sun set. Extensive mining on spur to E of control confusing - lost 10 mins (6) Slept nearby - 2345 to 0110 bad fog around midnight (7) Some difficulty - unsure of exact location due to many extensive erosion gullies - lost 10+ mins (8) Brief sleep - 20+ mins (9) Difficult in dark (no moon) - spent 15 mins within 80m of control (10) Sun rise (11) Drop pack content - 5 mins (12) Worst mistake (GB fault) - lost 10 mins in next gully to WSW of control (13) Time now 1045 - contemplated going to 62 - didn't know if we had enough energy left to hurry home - decided not to (14) Return 1129 Only jogged once - along track to #100. Walked reasonably slowly throughout - particularly at night. A really good event - a great area, very well set, and well organized. Womens Open 2260 23:32 Alex Tyson, Karina Tyson HH 31 83 56 67 46 93 55 84 57 92 34 68 47 (1) W1 94 48 86 DARK 51 77 76 (2) 85 101 74 33 64 (3) 65 73 82 54 43 102 DAWN (4) 44 72 91 (5) (6) W4 53 60 32 30 (7) HH (11.30am) (1) Got lost in the unmapped tracks lost about 45 minutes (2) went for 45 but got lost in the creeks, relocated off the ridges to S and decided to go to 85 and drop 45 lost about an hour (3) hard work! (4) Dawn, superb views (5) mistake in route planning should have gone N to 75 66 (6) went for 40 but got lost, never found it, ended up on road to E, lost about an hour (7) Wimped it, should have gone to 50, had time and it looked easy. Mixed Veteran 1500 23:37 Sue Clarke, Walter Keleman 32-60-53-71-100-63-80-62-dark-90-(1)-50-HH (2) 31-83-56-67-92-57-84-47-(3)-66-75-91-72-40-41-HH at 11.30 (1)missed 52 headed W to road (2)for 45 mins. Out again 10pm (3) missed 85 and still confused about that- took an unmarked road forever??? relocated on 66 4.5 hours after leaving 47 I think our greatest achievement was the relocation around 8am! Women Veteran 1340 23:23 Jennifer Hawkins, Valerie Barker HH 41 (1) 40 91 75 64 (2) 33 93 55 84 47 94 48 68 (3) 34 (4) HH (5) 50 (6) 42 (7) 70 87 52 90 62 60 32 HH (8) 1. Missed 41 2. Lyre bird 3. Nearly dark 4. Geographically challenged; walk back to Hash House along road 5. In about 8.30 or later out about 6.20am 6. Wombat breakfasting on Oallen Creek 7. Feral cat 8. Finished 11.23am Mens Superveteran 1540 23:30 Noel Luff, Ian Kentwell HH 31 83 56 67 92 57 84 93 55 85 101 74 (DARK) 33 (1) 75 66 91 72 53 40 41 (2) HH (3) 50 70 87 52 90 (4) HH (1) a bit of fun in Little Timberlight Creek. Morale boosting Guinness and a bite to eat on knoll above creek. (2) which was not there (or where it was supposed to be) (3) HH at about 3am off again at 6am (2 hours sleep) (4) Totally lost. Finished up at power lines near 41. Some how crossed over the road running east of HH without realising it. Mixed Superveteran 950 23:46 John Sutton, Ann Sutton HH 41 (1) 72 91 75 66 93 55 85 (dark) 84 (2) 46 HH (3) 31 83 50 81 (4) 42 HH (1) Could not find 41 or 40. Gave up at 0120. Confused by an unmarked track to a power pylon on the way to 72 and lost 30 minutes. Found first control at 0230. (2) Lost 30 minutes on 84. Wished we had spent more time in the NW in daylight. Ann tripped and hurt her back, leg and pride. Returned to HH along road as planned but because of injuries visited only one control. (3) Arrived HH 1000 pm, left leisurely at 0800 am, and travelled slowly. (4) Lost 20 minutes around 81. Women Superveteran 870 23:22 Kathy Saw, Lyndall Hatch route not available yet 8 hour Winners 1360 7:46 Andrew Pope, Andy Mein, Geoff Williams, Nick Hudson 41 (1) W3 66 (2) 91 75 73 65 64 33 (3) 74 101 85 77 w1 47 94 68 84 57 92 67 56 (4) 83 (5) HH (1)- didn't find it (2) then back to the road (3) crossed the gorge (4) to the road (5) tried for control 31 and missed it - didn't have time to hang around looking