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What is Rogaining?

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Next ACT Event

19 Oct 2024
11:00AM -
Spring, Creek, Trail 6/12hr rogaine
Yanununbeyan NP

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3-6hr Surprise Rogaine (NSW)
24 Nov 2024
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Course Description

Predominantly open eucalypt forest, although there are some thicker areas, with few roads or tracks. The course map is a premarked 1:15000 scale map, specially prepared for the event from orienteering maps with additional fieldwork. Elevation varies from 900m to 1200m above sea level.


Coordinator Setters/Vetters Admin General Help Catering Control Collection
Not Known Phil Creaser
Anna Booth
John Brown Not Known 1st Aranda Scouts Not Known


6hr event results

Overall   Category/Age     
  Place  MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS  J  F  Score Time In  Team Names
     1            1                        1910     550    22 Graham Turner, Pam James
     2   1                                 1680     557    20 Keith Conley, Martin Skold
     3                     1               1460     600    50 Melissa Thomas, Michelle Scott
     4   2  1                              1450     550    73 Zac Zaharias, Peter Lambert
     5   3  2                              1450     552    41 Chris Wall, Tony Garr
     6            2  1                     1390     546     2 Bruce Bowen, Liz Abbott
     7            3                        1350     543    13 Judy Jenkinson, David Singleton, David Wilson
     8            4  2                     1280     531    27 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson
     9   4  3                              1230     547    11 Hannu Mannering, Mike Burr
    10   5                                 1190     548    78 Colin Hayhoe, Haydyn Bernaud
    11                     2               1180     538    30 Emma Murray, Sarah Belfield
    12            5  3                     1180     557     3 Michael Burt, Susan Antcliff
    13            6  4                     1150     547    70 Lorraine Tomlins, John Street
    14   6                                 1150     628    75 Benjamin Schulz, David Viner
    15            7  5                     1140     546    19 Jenny Hawkins, Valerie Barker, Alan Sargeant
    16                     3  1            1140     548    47 Jenny Bourne, Jane Saye
    17            8                        1100     545    76 Madeleine Schultz, Duncan McIntyre, Corinne Williams, Paul Hibberd, William Keogh
    18   7                                 1070     528    18 George Foster, Mark Glen, Jason Egan
    19   8                                 1070     554    81 Tim Robinson, Anthony Barnes
    20                     4               1060     557    74 Leone Jansen, Celia Thompson
    21   9  4                              1050     546    90 Mike Aylott, Andrew Gibbs, Paul Cheeseman
    22            9                        1050     554    80 Kieran O'Leary, Rebecca Thomson
    23           10  6  1                  1050     555    21 John Sutton, Ann Sutton
    24  10                                 1040     557    55 Michael Hutchinson, Henry Hutchinson, David Hutchinson
    25  11  5  1                           1020     557    72 Roger Stuart, Hugh Saddler
    26                     5  2  1         1000     540    51 Lyndall Hatch, Kathy Saw, Anne Sawkins
    27  12  6  2                            990     514    48 David Pederson, David Clark, Trevor Lawrence
    28  13                                  990     556    43 Chris Butler, Ross Dennis, Luke Bulkeley
    29  14  7  3                            980     552    61 Mike Worsley, Ian Kenny
    30                     6                970     550    40 Sue Brown, Jane Irving
    31                     7  3             950     545    14 Pat Miethke, Rene Davies, Kerri-Ann Smith
    32  15                             1    920     537    89 Robert Mahony, Gavin Holmes, Ryan Holmes
    33                     8                910     549    32 Annabel Battersby, Alexa McAuley
    34           11  7                      870     556    56 Derek Synnott, Maureen Farrell, Peter Boyland
    35  16  8                               860     529    10 John Waddell, David Waddell
    36           12                         860     551    79 Michael Oliver, Aleksandra Zablochi, Michael Skudar, Marc van Galen, Glen Ward
    37           13  8                      840     549    65 Robin Collins, Andina Faragher
    38           14                         840     604    15 Rochelle Lawson, Rob Richards
    39           15                         820     551    29 Martin Shevchenko, Wendy Lee
    40           16                         810     547     8 Daniel Wilkins, Karl Adamson, Zoe Cozens, Merryn Bryant
    41                     9        1       800     549    28 Mel Simpson, Janet Street
    42                    10                800     555    77 Kylie Jonasson, Lisa Gray
    43  17  9                               790     434    24 Tony Edwards, Stewart Murray, Colin Ward
    44           17                 2       790     536    57 Liam Styles, Jacqui Styles
    45           18  9                      770     432     4 Tim Pulford, Lynn Pulford
    46           19 10  2                   770     538    49 Jack Palmer, Pam Christensen
    47           20                         760     442     9 Sandy Collin, Stephen Mattingley
    48  18                                  760     546    86 Aaron Tait, James Carroll, Ashley Wallin, Trent Norton, Ben Robinson
    49           21                         760     553    17 Chris Hatherly, Natalie Chan
    50           22                    2    730     356    45 Rhys Evans, Dane Evans, Ruth Evans
    51           23                         730     521    82 Rachael Willis, Lisa Milin, Jared Henry, James Stracey, Petros Davidiadis
    52           24                    3    730     539    60 Murray Dow, Coral Dow, Lachlan Dow
    53           25                         710     553    42 Carolina Roa, Peter Wenzl, Paul Howles
    54           26                         710     554    33 Kumalie Elford, Matthew Walker
    55           27                         700     543    68 Adam Mortimer, Emma Hely, Sara Hely
    56           28                         680     506    37 Robert Walker, Cathryn Grant
    57  19 10                               680     535    46 David Just, Michael Bates
    58           29 11  3                   670     522    64 John Walter, Elizabeth Walter
    59                    11                670     556    69 Aira Chilcott, Dianne McLennan
    60                    12                660     552    16 Julie Taylor, Alison Clegg, Katherine Bates
    61  20                          3       630     611    67 Alex Lehmann, Michael Everson
    62           30                    4    620     541    36 Frank Bakker, Michiko Bakker, Niko Bakker, Kai Bakker
    63                    13                610     511     5 Linda Meisel, Amelia Witheridge
    64           31                         600     549    52 Richard Wolf, Alison Tree
    65           32                    5    590     547     1 Anne Baynes, Chris Gunn, Josie Baynes, Laura Baynes
    66  21                                  590     551    91 Linda Turnbull, Alex Ziesak
    66           33 12                      590     551    23 Michael Sullivan, Jenny Sullivan
    68           34                         580     527    88 Elinor McKone, Andrew Hassell
    69  22                                  580     539    71 Mark Nolde, Jason Banks
    70           35                 4       580     545    34 Anna Hahn, Katie Hahn, David Edmondson, Martin Comans
    71  23 11                               560     556    26 Ian Booth, Wayne Gregson
    72  24 12  4                            550     555    59 John Alcock, Peter Kallio
    73           36 13                      540     551    53 Tony Stewart, Denise Rawling, Chris Elford
    74           37                         540     559    31 Linda Gregory, Bram Slagmolen
    75           38 14                      530     615    39 Colleen Mock, Colin Mock, Paul Weir
    76           39                         480     607    12 Stephen Thompson, Eva Wong
    77           40                         470     528    83 Derrick Oracki, Peter Marshall, Danielle Richardson
    78           41                         460     551    58 Dione Smith, Tammy Braybrook, Barbara Howarth, Matthew Wilson
    79  25                                  400     508    62 John Cole, David Chambers
    80           42                         340     553    84 Rachel Lawrence, Cathryn Abbott, Miranda Sherley, Brian McNamara, Amy Rogers
    81           43                         330     612    38 Daniel Shiels, Susie Richmond
                                           Late            63 Tom Richards, Nina McMahon
                                           Late       -    44 Brian Evans, Murray Campbell
                                           Late       -    35 Daniel Brownsdon, Leeza Cottingham